Electrician Willoughby
Where to find a helpful Electrician in Willoughby?
The family team at Electric Express would love to help, though before we brag about how good we are, let’s see if we can save you some expense and clarify your needs.
It’s true, not every home is the same, neither are their electrical systems. It helps if your Electrician knows the local Willoughby area.
We’ve created a quick list of common problems, which might help you solve your issue without expense, before you call in the experts.
Is your power out? We just need to clarify if it’s only your home affected, or the neighbourhood suffering from a power outage. It might even be on a provider level.
A. First step – If you have a smartphone, tablet or can access the internet somehow, you might like to check your energy provider’s website. If you walk outside, or happen to catch a neighbour you might establish if it’s isolated to your property.
Second Step – (If your neighbours have power), then check your switchboard. If you notice one of your switchboard levers down, try and position back into the up position. If the power/switch trips again (see below & this blog post), or give us a call. We’ll need to ask a few more questions.
Your power supply is tripping repeatedly –
A. Read our blog post for more info.
You can smell a burning odour around your property?
A. Be sure it’s coming from an electrical source, though otherwise this one should be acted on quickly. 0411 188 492.
Your lights are flickering –
A. This could have a few different causes, though if you’ve replaced the bulb/s and it’s still occuring–best to give us a call.
Your power bill is unusually high –
A. If you’re seeing an increase of over 15% in one quarter or billing period–give us a call. Otherwise, read our blog post about saving energy.
You’ve lost hot water –
A. You might want to check that someone hasn’t isolated your hot water supply. (Turned off)
Thereafter, check if you own an electric water heater (as we don’t service gas). If you have an electric, get in touch with us on 0411 18 492.
Shock or electrocution –
A. Isolate the area and call with urgency. If the person is injured or not breathing call 000 immediately.
If you’re experiencing another issue or problem with your home and seem to think it’s electrical related, feel free to call our team.
Who Is Electric Express Solutions? Electrician Willoughby
Steve Hutchings is the owner operator of Electric Express and has been working in the Willoughby area for many years. Along with Max and Konrad his sons, the team at Electric Express are a honest and genuine bunch of tradesmen. We’ll work hard to ensure your home is looked after and power restored ASAP.
We understand that owning a home and maintaining your property can be a constant process. We’ll try and minimise excessive costs and help you get back up and running in a quick and stress free manner.
It’s no secret that regular maintenance of your home electrical system will pay in the long run, but also appreciate with our busy lifestyles and other distractions that it’s not always possible. We can help you with a low cost regular health check for your home or property. Ask Steve about our bonus safety inspection with your next call out.
How Quick Can Our Electricians Be At Your Property?
A common question – for a quick turnaround or an Electrician Willoughby based, you’ll find us much quicker than someone coming from across town. So, give us a call and we can give you a quick accurate guide to response time on your day of need.