Finding government support
Electricity costs form a large part of your household bills and sometimes planning and managing the costs can be overwhelming. Sometimes there are government funded programs to help you manage bills as well as provide advice and assistance wherever possible. The Home Energy Saver Scheme (HESS) is one such program.
Home Energy Saver Scheme (HESS)
HESS is delivered through existing not-for-profit organisations that provide general financial counselling services to households. Essentially, they focus on working to improve how people manage their financial and energy habits through developing a manageable plan through one of three ways; tips, talk, and take action.
Easy as 1, 2, 3.
The Home Energy Saver Scheme helps you develop your plan in three easy ways:
1. Tips
There are easy and affordable ways to save energy – I try and highlight this as often as I can. Simple choices around the home can have a bigger impact on our energy bills than most of us think, like washing clothes in cold water, understanding cheaper times of the day to use energy and shopping around for your energy needs. Tips like this are what HESS aim to provide to Australians nationwide.
2. Talk
Throughout Australia, HESS Workers are holding community workshops or talks on energy saving around the home which can help you develop your energy saving plan. The talks are a great way to develop your household plan since it can be tricky to start alone.
3. Take Action
The final step HESS will help you with is to write an energy saving plan for your home. You may even be eligible for a home visit from a HESS Worker who can suggest ways to save energy for your household
How else does HESS help?
HESS can also assist by offering:
– Information about easy and affordable ways to use less energy in the home
– One-on-one budgeting assistance
– Information on whether you are getting the right rebates and assistance
– Help to understand your energy bills and the energy market
– Advice, advocacy and support
– Links to other services that may be able to assist you, and
– Help to access no or low interest loans and the Subsidy Scheme to purchase energy efficient appliances.
Contacting HESS
The service is available Australia-wide but you’ll have to be quick to make the most of it – they are stopping the service at the end of this month (June 30th). You can head to the website for more information or call the national Home Energy Saver Scheme (HESS) with a free call to their helpline on 1800 007 001.